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0800 PELORUS        (04) 589-0819

Our next closing date is Wednesday 17th of July 2024.    Pelorus Trust has moved to Coms Grants Database system.  All accountabilities on Brand Advantage (our old grants portal)will still need to be completed on line. Please log in through Apply Online for both options.

Our Trustees

Andy Leslie - Chairman

A founding Trustee in 1999, Andy rejoined the board after an absence of several years due to business commitments. All Black Captain from 1974-76 and past President of the NZRFU, Andy brings enormous experience and knowledge of sporting and charitable organisations to the Board.

Alister Skene - Trustee

Alister is a veteran of the gaming industry having worked in, and around the sector as a regulator, trust manager, consultant and now trustee for nearly 30 years.  He formed Pelorus in 1998 and was its inaugural CEO for 13 years.  In 2024 we welcomed him back as a trustee.  He brings a wealth of gambling operational knowledge, regulatory expertise and  governance experience.

Kevin Bignall – Trustee

Kevin was appointed to Pelorus Trust in July 2015, Kevin is a retired businessman from Lower Hutt. He has spent over thirty years running his own successful business. Kevin offers considerable experience in business management and maintains a keen interest in sport and community organisations. 

Scott Simmiss - Chief Executive Officer and Trustee

Scott joined Pelorus Trust in 2012 with considerable knowledge and experience in Class 4 Gaming having worked in the industry since 1998. He has also managed as well as operated one of the smaller Gaming Trusts in NZ and managed his own business.

Scott brings to the role a strong sense of integrity and relationship management.